Tuesday, November 9, 2010

hi, i still make things.

some things:

(go to college, stay in college, stay in a city you hate just so you don't feel like a "failure")

a book that doesn't make sense yet, or, why my embroidery teacher says i don't belong in art school.

california home on the left, baltimore rowhouse on the right

perry's shirt. and sweater.

i think i'm moving home and attending CCA after this semester.


zapataphoto said...

I love that top one. Could I buy one from you? I want to hang it over my desk as a reminder.

Ashi said...

what were your teacher's reasons? from what I can see, you're doing conceptual work in a fucking embroidery class. if that isn't art school I really don't know what is.

susie m. said...
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zapataphoto said...

YES! Any print you want!